Res Publica Coin Gallery

Ancient coins in the collection of J.M., focused on the Roman Republic and related series. The attributions and information are all verified to the best of my ability but, if I have made a mistake, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to rectify it. For more information about the reference works listed, a bibliography is provided. Additionally, this site is made available purely for informational purposes and none of the coins are currently for sale.

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Cr. 68/1b Anonymous AR Denarius, 211-195 B.C., Sicilian mint

Cr068.1b.JPG Cr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian MintCr. 72/4 grain-ear/corn-ear series AR quinarius, 211-210 B.C., Sicilian mintThumbnailsCr. 67/1 Anonymous AR Victoriatus, 211-208 B.C., Sicilian Mint

Roman Republic AR Denarius(3.36g, 5h), anonymous(uninscribed corn-ear series), 211-208 B.C., Sicilian mint. Helmeted head of Roma right with "spike" on rear of helmet; behind, X / The Dioscuri galloping right; below, ROMA in linear frame. Crawford 68/1b; Sydenham 191


This rare fully-anonymous type related to the signed issues with corn-ear comes from Crawford's Sicily(1) mint - the same mint responsible for the Cr. 67/1 victoriati and the Cr. 69 corn-ear KA bronzes. While some basic characteristics such as visor type appear similar at first, style clearly differentiates it from the Cr. 75/1c anonymous denarii which seemingly come from a separate mint referred to as Sicily(2) by Crawford, which had its own corn-ear issues as well as various other signed and unsigned issues. Both mints' locations are uncertain but some numismatists have associated Sicily(1) with the town of Catania on the island's Eastern coast based on the "KA" on the Cr. 69 bronzes.


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