Cr. 422.1-(1a obverse/1b reverse hybrid), M. Aemilius Scaurus and P. Plautius Hypsaeus AR denarius, 58 BC

Roman Republic AR denarius(3.80g, 18.31mm). M. Aemilius Scaurus and P. Plautius Hypsaeus, 58 BC, Rome mint. Camel right; before, kneeling figure, holding reins in left hand and olive-branch tied with fillet in right hand; above, M SCAVR; on either side, EX SC; below, AED CVR. Border of dots / Jupiter in quadriga left, holding reins in left hand and hurling thunderbolt with right hand, ; above, P HVPSAEVS; AED CVR in two lines. Below, C HVPSAE COS; PREIVER in two lines. On right, CAPTVM upwards. Border of dots. Crawford 422/1-(obverse 422/1a, reverse 422/1b), cf. Bahrfeldt, Nachtrage i, pl. I, 9
This coin and this variety are the subject of a short note drafted by Richard Schaefer and I titled "A Doubted Variety of M Aemilius Scaurus and P Plautius Hypsaeus", published in KOINON I, 2018. The denarii of M Aemilius Scaurus and P Plautius Hypsaeus come in two main varieties, Cr. 422/1a and 422/1b with the main differences being that "AED CVR" of 1a's obverse is moved above the camel with "REX ARETAS" in its original exergual location on 1b and in addition, a scorpion is added below the quadriga of the reverse. This variety, with the obverse of 1a and reverse of 1b was originally published in 1897 by Bahrfeldt but was rejected by Crawford because all examples known to him were plated but this coin has the weight and appearance consistent with an official silver denarius and a specific gravity of 10.41, confirming its solid status. For the full discussion of the variety, you can read the paper here. Also see this coin for a plated example.
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