Cr. 544/20 Marc Antony AR denarius, 32-31 BC, Leg VII, Patrae(?) mint
Roman Imperatorial period AR denarius(3.79g, 17mm 6h). Marc Antony, triumvir, Autumn 32 - Spring 31 BC, Patrae(?) mint. Praetorian galley right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow; above ANT AVG; below, III VIR R P C / Aquila between two standards; below, LEG VII. Border of dots. Crawford 544/20; Sear HCRI 357; Sydenham 1224
Privately purchased from Wolfshead Gallery 1/12/2018 at NYINC 2018, ex Dr. Robert B. Beckett Jr. collection, CNG 105, 10/5/2017, lot 754, purchased from Tom McKenna
Not a lot is known about Legion VII, though we do know that Julius Caesar's Legio VII Claudia was fighting under Octavian so this was likely one of the legions that Antony himself raised. After Actium this legion was likely either disbanded or incorporated into one of Octavian's legions as nothing is recorded of it.
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