Res Publica Coin Gallery

Ancient coins in the collection of J.M., focused on the Roman Republic and related series. The attributions and information are all verified to the best of my ability but, if I have made a mistake, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to rectify it. For more information about the reference works listed, a bibliography is provided. Additionally, this site is made available purely for informational purposes and none of the coins are currently for sale.

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Home / Height of the Second Punic War and the Earliest Denarii, circa 218 B.C.-206 B.C. /

Cr. 100/3 "CA" series triens, 209-195 BC, Canusium mint. Overstruck on Oiniadai

Cr100.3-1200px.jpg Cr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mintCr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mintCr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mintCr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mintCr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mintCr. 98b/1 Anonymous victoriatus, circa 211 BC, LuceriaThumbnailsCr. 100/5 Anonymous "CA" sextans, 209-208 B.C., Canusium mint

Roman Republic Æ Triens(20mm, 5.88g, 12h), anonymous("CA" series), 209-195 B.C., Canusium(?) mint. Helmeted head of Minerva right; above, •••• / Prow right; above, ROMA; below, ••••; to right, CA. Crawford 100/3; Sydenham 309c
Overstruck on Oiniadai, Akarnania Zeus/Acheloüs, cf. BCD Akarnania 345-348 for undertype. For CA triens overstruck on Oiniadai cf. Hersh NC 1953, 14 and cf. Crawford Table XVIII, 91
Ex Stevex6 Collection via coin.ages, eBay, January 27 2018, ex RBW Collection, CNG e-auction 364, December 2 2015, lot 90, ex Stacks Coin Galleries, August 20 1986, lot 117, ex Frederick S. Knobloch Collection, Stacks May 4 1978, lot 90

This triens comes from the "CA" series, thought to have been struck at Canusium(or maybe not) circa 209-195 B.C.. All of the trientes of this series seem to show signs of overstriking, most commonly on coins of Zeus/Acheloüs(the man-faced bull river god) bronzes of Oiniadai or on Athena/Acheloüs bronzes of the Akarnanian League. These bronzes were likely captured during the raids of Marcus Valerius Laevinus on the Greek coast during the First Macedonian War which took place right smack-dab in the middle of the Second Punic War. While this particular triens is actually relatively common, most were overstruck so haphazardly that it made a mess of both the Roman type and the overstruck type(like this coin), so finding one like this where both the Roman devices and the devices of the undertype are so bold is a real treat. This photo may help you see the overstrike.


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