Res Publica Coin Gallery

Ancient coins in the collection of J.M., focused on the Roman Republic and related series. The attributions and information are all verified to the best of my ability but, if I have made a mistake, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to rectify it. For more information about the reference works listed, a bibliography is provided. Additionally, this site is made available purely for informational purposes and none of the coins are currently for sale.

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Cr. 340/4 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi Æ as, 90 B.C., Rome mint

cr340.4.JPG Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.Cr. 337/5 D•SILANVS•L•F Æ as, 91 B.C., RomeThumbnailsCr. 340/1 L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR denarius, 90 B.C.

Roman Republic Æ as(29mm, 11.87 g, 4h). L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, moneyer, 90 B.C. Rome mint. Laureate head of bearded Janus; I above / Prow of galley right, on which stands Victory; above, L PISO; below, FRVGF. Crawford 340/4 var(FRVGF reverse legend); Sydenham 677 var; BMCRR Rome 2179-2185 var; Russo RBW 1270 var.

Ex RBW Collection, purchased from V. C. Vecchi, 11/30/1985

Note the strange reverse legend variation, FRVGF as opposed to FRVGI. Thus far I have only managed to find a single matching example, 1969.83.488 in the ANS which is a reverse(and possibly obverse) die match. In a discussion on FORVM, Andrew McCabe theorized that the engraver may have intended to cut the legend as "FRVG L F" and so the actual error was the omission of the "L". I am currently seeking images of other examples with similar legend variations so please contact me if you have found one


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