Res Publica Coin Gallery

Ancient coins in the collection of J.M., focused on the Roman Republic and related series. The attributions and information are all verified to the best of my ability but, if I have made a mistake, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to rectify it. For more information about the reference works listed, a bibliography is provided. Additionally, this site is made available purely for informational purposes and none of the coins are currently for sale.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is copyright J.M. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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Cr. 118/4 "helmet" quadrans CNG 45 tag and scan, Goodman tag, RBW envelope

cr118.4Provenance.jpeg Cr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tagsCr. 41/6e anon post-semilibral semis FORVM tagThumbnailsCr. 17/1d ROMA e-sale 32 tags

Provenance scans for Cr. 118/4 helmet quadrans

Ex RBW Collection, ex Goodman Collection, CNG 45 lot 1286. Goodman ticket references "SANTAMARIA 88 54" but I am unsure of what this is a reference to - if you have an idea please e-mail me.


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